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Desk of Ali Pervez
Founder: blackbeltmarketing.academy

No Cash? No Problem!

Use Creativity To Grow Your Business

Online Course

7 Day Risk Free Trial

Dear Valued Friend,

Thank you for visiting my online office. It is my honor and privilege to have the opportunity to serve you.

What do you teach?

I teach:

How to use creativity to grow your business using creative marketing techniques vs the linear conventional approach. The breakthroughs you are looking for require a different level of thinking:

“You cannot solve problems with the same level of thinking that created them.”

Did you know that there are at least 7 different types of thinking?


Dr. Albert Schweitzer, a pastor, doctor, surgeon and scholar and 1952 Nobel laureate, when being interviewed in London, was asked by a reporter, “Doctor, what’s wrong with mankind today?”

The great doctor was silent a moment and then he said, “They simply don’t think, they don’t think.”

My course focuses on unleashing your creative thinking power.

But what is creativity?

I think Albert Einstein said it best in his famous quote:

“Creativity is seeing what everyone else has seen, and thinking what no one else has thought.”

How have you used No Cash? No problem! Creativity?

I myself have used “No Cash? No Problem!” creative techniques to

  • Become a #1 Bestselling Author
  • Get my #1 Bestselling book produced and published by a New York publishing house, without spending any money
  • Get invited to speak at Oxford and Stanford
  • Sell two Biotech companies for hundreds of millions of dollars to the world’s largest Life Sciences corporation
  • Sell $1mn of services in one hour
  • Be awarded numerous sales and marketing awards
  • Become a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry

My mentors have taken the techniques of “No Cash? No Problem!” to dizzying heights. My co-author the late Dave Wagenvoord did half a billion dollars of creative cashless transactions. Another one of my mentors, the world’s greatest marketer, Jay Abraham, has done at least $50billion using creative marketing techniques.

As Tony Robbins says:

“if you don’t have the resources, you need to get resourceful”

One of the greatest creative entrepreneurs that ever existed was Steve Jobs. Walter Isaacson, Jobs’ official biographer, describes him as a “creative entrepreneur whose passion for perfection and ferocious drive revolutionized personal computers, animated movies, music, phones, tablet computing, and digital publishing.” His creative thinking changed the world.

There is literally no limit to what you can achieve once you unleash the power of your creativity. Let me share with you two everyday “No Cash? No Problem!” case studies from my students:

Case Studies

Gardener becomes financially independent

My gardener for many years would always complain about how expensive things are in San Francisco. He asked me what he should do. I asked if he had seniors as clients. He said he had a few. I told him to go to the one that trusted him the most and ask if they needed additional support besides garden maintenance. He found a client that was in his eighties and was looking for someone to help him with day to day activities. He offered my gardener two rooms in his house in trade for him to take care of his daily activities i.e. to do house chores, cleaning, and washing. My gardener now has a place to live without paying any rent in San Francisco. “No cash? No problem!” The last I heard his client was critically ill and would most likely leave the house to my gardener. The house is valued at $2 million!

Work at Google- Live rent-free!

I had a client that came to me for advice. He was living in Silicon Valley and working at Google, but could not afford to pay his rent because of credit card debt. I told him to go to his apartment manager and ask them if they needed somebody to help manage the facility. And guess what, they did. He did a trade with them that he would manage the apartment complex and in return would live rent-free. “No cash? No problem!”

What you will learn? / Curriculum Summary

I have designed a very extensive and comprehensive course to help you unleash your creativity: it consists of six modules.

Module 1 - Foundational Marketing

We will start off by grounding you in the concept of value, and how value is simply another name for marketing. And how creativity is all about different ways of adding value. Although this module may seem boring and theoretical, it is the foundation of the course. In the upcoming modules, you will see numerous examples of how this is used.

My mentors always taught me that “mindset is more important than method.”

Module 2 - Creative Barter & Partnering

I will show you how to use Creative Barter to get what you want without using any cash at all! This one strategy can be a game changer for most businesses. I will cover the content of my #1 Best-Selling Book – “No cash? No problem!” I wrote this book with the late Dave Wagoonvord, The world’s greatest barter expert. Dave did half a billion dollars of barter trade. I will show you how the names you know all used Barter as their financial tool of choice including Carnival Cruise, Home Shopping Network, Mazda, Google, American Express etc. And how you can use it also.

Barter is simply a Metaphor for creative thinking

The many real-world examples should get your creative juices flowing. You will learn terms like Scrip (not script), dating,( that is different from relationship dating), ratios, breakage, triangulation, floats, etc.

I will teach you a whole new language. 

As we continue our journey and transformation from being a conventional and linear thinker to being an out of the box creative and expansive thinker, I will show you how to grow your business at no cost or risk using Partnerships. The conventional approach calls for going alone – Solopreneur. Running Ads and taking on the competition vs the creative approach of finding who already has access to your target market and working out an arrangement with them. I will share with you what my mentors- Jay Abraham and  the late Jay Conrad Levinson taught me. Together they have done billions of dollars in revenue for companies using this creative strategy.

Module 3 - Creative Website Strategies

In this module I will teach you how using creativity can turn your Website into an ATM. This is done using what we marketers call lead magnets that are used to develop a list of leads. The list of leads is your most valuable asset in marketing.

Module 4 - Creative Free Advertising for Business Growth

Although you may be trained to believe that you need a lot of money to do marketing…, quite the contrary! The best and most effective marketing is WOM (Word of Mouth) and it is actually FREE or close to Free! I am talking about referrals and Press Releases. Most businesses generate the bulk of their business from referrals but how many have a formal, systematized, and well thought out referral program vs an ad Hoc, sporadic and serendipitous one? Referrals are by far the best no cash way to grow any business.

Another often overlooked no cash growth strategy is Press Releases. How do you think that the media gets its news? Through Press Releases. These can be produced at a very minimal cost. I will show you how in this module. This one simple strategy has built many businesses. I have used it to get many of my clients Press Coverage at no cost in very high-profile publications.

Module 5 - Becoming A Master of Sales

In this module I will in a very short period of time help you get your M.S. in sales. Or become a Master of Sales using creative vs conventional sales techniques. Most salespeople are known to be pushy and annoying. By simply changing the word sales to serve / solve and focusing on listening to learn vs talking to earn will dramatically increase your sales effectiveness at no cost.

Having been trained by some of the world’s top sales people including the late Chet Holmes who worked for a Division of Warren Buffet’s company and was able to double sales of that Division three years in a row, you will learn that just by reframing, re-thinking and using strategies like the “dream 100.” And knowing that sales is simply a conversation between two good friends.

Soon you will become a welcome guest vs an annoying pest. Remember the best way to sell is don’t sell! Educate.

Module 6 - Marketing’s Secret Sauce. Creative Copywriting

One, if not the biggest, creative No Cash levers you have in your business is the ability to write value based copy or copywriting as we say in marketing. It does not cost you anything to change the words you use in your email, website, etc. But the impact is profound.

Words are weapons of markers, the words you use will make you win or lose. Or  what us marketers call Copywriting. One of my mentors Ray Edwards, taught me how just a shift in a few words can totally change the outcome of any marketing campaign.

I will teach you the most powerful word in copywriting, and how to start to improve your copywriting skills.

Within a few hours you will start to see a significant improvement in the way your communication is received by customers, prospects, leads etc.

Bonus Content. You will also get:

The course is equivalent to an MBA in real-world creative marketing in 48 hrs, and covers my three decades of global marketing experience.

I truly believe this is one of the most comprehensive and complete marketing creativity courses available on business growth.


My course is designed to get your creative juices flowing and show you what is possible if you allow the greatest computer that has ever existed (your brain) to do its thing.

The reason I developed this course is to show you that No Cash, does not have to be a problem for you, if you adopt a creative mindset.

I want my legacy to be someone who taught you how to unleash your creative genius. Yes, you are a genius!

After completing the full course you will change the way you see things. The things that were once considered challenging will now become opportunities. You will be a trained, creative, nonlinear, expansive, and out-of-the-box thinker. The countless examples I share with you will make you realize how much more is possible for you.

“Don’t stand in my shadow, climb on my shoulders and see what you did not see before.”

My wish for you, my valued friend, is summarized in my quote above.

I want you to take advantage of my knowledge and start to live in a world of abundance vs scarcity.

Let me pay your tuition fees

The full tuition fee for the course is $1,699. I am willing to pay your tuition fees so you can have full access to all my content for 7 days. You can test drive the course and hopefully, even have a creative breakthrough within 7 days that will pay for the course multiple times over. Since you don’t pay until you review all the content you have ZERO risk and 100% satisfaction guaranteed.

No credit card is required. No obligation. Just pure, transformative learning.

You just need to create an account in the portal and gain immediate access!

So what have you got to lose? Get started today!

Your friend,
Ali Pervez
#1 Best-Selling Author
Founder, The Black Belt Marketing.Academy

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